duminică, 24 iulie 2016

Kamla 1984




  (dialogue),  (dialogue) | 3 more credits »


        Touching on the concepts of slavery and domestic dominance. Jaisingh Jadav buys a slave, Kamla (Deepti Nawal), and brings her home to a press conference where he wants to use her to prove the flesh trade still exists. His wife (Shabana Azmi looking very young and peppy!) is horrified by this and wants to take care of Kamla. Her uncle, Kakasaab, is sympathetic to both sides, but mostly wishes to protect his niece from Jaisingh's domination. Watch it yourself to see how the story unfolds, or read Vijay Tendulkar's play by the same name. The date of the movie really shows through in funny filming (neon flashing title, scribbled-in blobs that disguise the name of the building in which much of the filming was done, the ending) and the ending is remarkably abrupt and very very late-1970s (which I suppose hit India in the mid-80s).

Download movie with english subtitle: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LYuj0WFT7XE

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