duminică, 24 iulie 2016

Bhavani Junction 1985


  (as Dinesh)




     Ram is the Superintendent of Police in a city in India, and lives a wealthy lifestyle along with his wife, Shakun, and son, Anu. Then one day while at a meeting with senior police officials, a frantic Anu informs him that Shakun has been abducted by two males. Both father and son search for Shakun, they find her, brutally beaten and sexually molested. She does not survive, and the Police launch a manhunt for the killers. The only clue they have is a saddle with 'BJ' inscribed on it. Ram finds out that what BJ stands for, and heads to Bhavani Juntion, where he meets with his childhood friend, Raja Bhavani Pratap, who virtually rules Bhavani junction. He instructs his Police Chief to locate the two males at any cost. Several suspects are rounded up, but the real culprits manage to elude them.

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