marți, 9 februarie 2016

Sitara 1980




      Dhaniya and Kundan are childhood sweethearts, and hope to marry once they have attained maturity. Dhaniya would like to have some money in her possession before she marries, so they decide to travel to Bombay, find some work, save some money, and then marry. Upon arrival in Bombay, they find that getting employment is not all that easy, especially when one is unskilled. Dhaniya feels that she is good at acting, and feels she will be successful as an actress. So both try their hand with various Bollywood agents, and after quite a few misadventures, Dhaniya gets an acting role. She surpasses all estimations, and becomes a star overnight. Kundan sees all the glitter and the glare from the outside, but is unable to become part of what Dhaniya, who now calls herself Sarita, has become.

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