marți, 16 februarie 2016

Nafrat Ki Aandhi 1989






       In his attempt to curb criminal activities in his area; an honest police inspector Ravi Kapoor gets into the bad books of two wrong-doers: one is an alcoholic named Sonu who run a seedy joint and the other is a hardcore criminal by the name of Chandidas Khurana. Ravi manages to convince Sonu to give up his present way of life in which he agrees and together they manage to trap Chandidas and his brother Shakti Khurana alias Chotu. The case is tried in a court of law with both proving guilty and is granted 7 years imprisonment. Then all is settled for Ravi and Sonu and they get married to two young ladies, Ravi to Geeta and Sonu to Radha; soon both are proud parents to boy child. Years passed by and then Chandidas and Shakti jail term comes to an end when they kidnapped the children of Ravi and Sonu. Sonu child gets killed and his wife Radha dies of shock.

English subtitle: 

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