marți, 16 februarie 2016

Akhri Muqabla 1988


  (as Sudesh C. Issar)


      Tripti belongs to a very wealthy family, and lives in a palatial house with her mom and dad. She meets with a struggling doctor, Ravi, and both fall in love with each other. Tripti's parents assist Ravi in setting him up in a private hospital, and that's where Ravi spends most of his time. When Tripti gets pregnant she expects Ravi to spend more time with her, but he does not do so. Angered she wants him to accompany her to her parents' wedding anniversary, but he must attend to a patient. Fearing her wrath, he leaves the patient, accompanies Tripti to her parents' bash, and later returns to find that the patient has passed away. Blaming himself for this death, he runs away to hide in shame without informing Tripti or anyone else. Tripti and her parents search high and low for Ravi but there is no trace of him. Tripti gives birth to a baby boy, Vijay, who subsequently grows up to become an Assistant Superintendent of Police.

English subtitle: 

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