luni, 15 februarie 2016

Kahani Kismat Ki 1973




  (dialogue),  (screenplay) | 2 more credits »




      Even after attaining a bachelors degree, Ajit Sharma is unable to secure any employment in order to better the lifestyle of his widowed mother, sister, Meena, elder brother Gopuram and a younger brother. He gets frustrated and takes to robbing and stealing. Being an amateur he is arrested by the police and sentenced to two years in jail. After he completes his sentence, he decides to be honest and seek employment, but without any success. Then one day he wins some money after beating a wrestler. He decides to buy some necessities for his family, which inter Alia consists of a school-bag. When Gopuram opens the bag, he finds it filled with cash. The family is enraged that Ajit has obtained these funds through crime, but Ajit defends himself, finds out who the owner (Premchand) is and returns the money to him. A gratified Premchand employs Ajit with a generous remuneration. Ajit meets with Premchand's daughter, Rekha, and both fall in love, and would like to get married. 

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