luni, 15 februarie 2016

Inquilaab 1984


  (as T. Rama Rao)


  (dialogue),  (story)


      Street-wise and poor, Amar Nath makes a living selling cinema tickets and fast-food snacks (Bhel Puri) outside cinema halls. He is taken under the wing of a politician and Chair of the "Garibon Ki Party', Shankar Narayan, allowed to join the Police Academy, and returns as a Police Inspector. He falls in love and gets married to Asha, the only daughter of multi-millionaire businessman, Sitaram. When he successfully apprehends and kills a terrorist by the name of Anil Raj, he is promoted as the Assistant Commisisoner of Police. Asha shares his joy, and soon both are informed that they will soon be proud parents. Then Amar also apprehends and kills a smuggler by the Koya Koya Atachi, and gets immensely popular with the public, so much so that Shankar Narayan resigns and asks Amar to be the Chair of the political party, which Amar accepts and quits his job from the Police Force.

English subtitle:

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