vineri, 12 august 2016

Naughty Boy 1962






          Pritam works as a Book-keeper in an Export Import Firm and does not have a roof to live under. When he goes to search for accommodation, he runs into a friend, Jagdish, who takes him to a rooming house and lets him share one room with himself, Kavi Viyogi, and Hhimsen. The landlady has very strict rules for all her tenants to wit: No one is allowed to romance on her property. On a rainy day when Pritam goes to buy milk, he runs into a beautiful girl, Meena Sharma, and their umbrellas get entangled, and when freed get interchanged. He goes to look for her house and finds she lives with her maternal uncle, a music maestro of sorts, and Pritam enrolls himself in his class. Pritam and Meena continue meeting and fall in love with each other. When Meena's sister is about to get married, she travels to Poona and that's when Pritam finds out that her train had an accident and she has been listed as one of the dead.

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