luni, 1 februarie 2016

Shararat 2002






        Niranjan and Nandini Khanna are very wealthy and live a luxurious life. They have an only son, Rahul Khanna, who has nothing but time on his hands and is bent upon getting into mischief and trouble with the law by racing in his sports car with his close buddies. Usually, he finds his way out by bribing traffic cops. Rahul's luck runs out one time when he wrecks several vehicles while speeding. This time the offense is too serious and he is arrested. DCP Bhosle wants Rahul to do time, but reporter Neha Sengupta wants a unique punishment for Rahul: to do community service in an home for senior citizens. Judge K.R.P. Murthy likes the idea of this unique sentence, and sentences an unrepenting Rahul to a senior citizen's home out in the country. Nandini would prefer that Rahul do the time, and has no reservations of him serving this sentence. Sparks fly when Rahul is introduced to the residents of the senior citizens' home.

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