joi, 18 februarie 2016

Jyoti Bane Jwala 1980


  (as Dasari Narayana Rao)


          Suraj and Malti are in love and get very intimate. They are introduced to their respective families, and there is approval all round, and their marriage is to be finalized soon. Before that could happen, Suraj meets with an accident and is killed instantly, leaving Malti devastated. Malti's dad, Charandas, is shocked to find that Malti is pregnant, and both of them re-locate to a secluded area, where Malti's gives brith to a baby boy. Charandas has the child disposed off in a garbage can, and tells Malti that the child died. Malti recovers and subseqeuntly marries Mr. O.P. Bakshi, and settles down. Years later, while watching a dance show with her husband, Malti sees a young man who resembles her husband in every shape and form. She attempts to make inquiries, but is afraid of what her husband will think when he finds out that the young man is her son, born out of marriage.

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