marți, 2 februarie 2016

Junoon 2002





Junoon tells the story of Vikram (Rahul Roy), who goes on a hunting trip with his friend Araun into the forest on a full moon night. While in the forest, Vikram is warned by a tribesman named Bheema (Mushtaq Khan), who tries to persuade him to go back home, stating that the night of the full moon is the tiger's night to hunt. Vikram laughs it off and decided to go after the tiger not believing that this tiger is the cursed tiger. Arun finds something fishy and asks Vikram to go back. Suddenly it starts raining and the duo had to find a place to stay. Some strange voices were heard by the duo and they find the voices were coming from a den but as the duo have to find a place to stay in they decided to enter the den. Within the den Arun discovers writings on the walls in Sanskrit. These writings describe the tale of a king who could not have a child.

English subtitle:

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