miercuri, 10 februarie 2016

Jeevan Yudh 1997




  (story),  (lyrics)


              Vasudev Rai lives in a small town with his wife, and a son, Rohit. Vasudev works as a teacher in a school owned and operated by the kind-hearted and generous Gajraj Choudhry. Then one day, a truck driver named Deva Prakash brings in the body of Vasudev to a nearby hospital, and requests the doctor to treat him. The doctor determines that Vasudev is dead, summons the police, and asks Deva to wait until their arrival for his statement. Deva disappears, thus making him responsible for Vasudev's death. Vasudev's wife and son are devastated and Rohit swears to avenge his father's death, and leaves the town. His investigation let's him conclude that the murderer is somewhere near his home-town and he returns to find that his town now has a new Police In-Charge, Inspector Ajay Kumar. Rohit suspects that Ajay is not who he claims to be and starts making inquiries, and he soon unmasks Ajay, who is none other than Deva.

English subtitle: 

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