luni, 8 februarie 2016

Biwi-O-Biwi 1981




  (dialogue),  (lyrics) | 3 more credits »


                Singer Chandermohan is born in a well-off family and is the only child. Since he is of marriageable age, both he and his parents want him to get married. But since he was born with a strong & adverse influence of Mars (Mangalik) during his birth his horoscope has not been compatible with any suitable woman. On his friend's Gafoor's, who has two wives, advice he re-locates to Bombay, sings at the Tejpal Auditorium, meets and falls in love with wealthy Asha, who lives with her widower dad, ironically named Colonel Mangal Singh and her paternal grandma. Mangal would like Asha to get married to an army officer. His attempts fail and Asha and his mom convince him to let Asha, who is also Manglik, get married to Chandermohan.

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