vineri, 5 februarie 2016

Azaad Desh Ke Gulam 1990




    Bharti Bhandari lives a wealthy life-style with her mom, Sharda, and dad, Ashok. She studies in law college, where she is in love with fellow-collegian, Vijay Srivastav. Another collegian, Vicky, who is also smitten with Bharti, tells her that Ashok has made millions not by a legitimate business but by smuggling, kidnapping, selling children and young women. Bharti is shocked, she confronts her father, but he denies everything. Satisfied that her dad would not lie to her, she goes for a trip to Goa along with Vijay and that's where she actually sees her dad, who is supposed to be in London, U.K., smuggling some children abroad a yacht. Bharti and Vijay find out that Ashok has vital documents that will lead to India being taken over by a foreign power, and they decide to put a stop to this. Before they could do anything, Vijay is killed.

English subtitle: 

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