joi, 21 ianuarie 2016

Shabd 2005




  (dialogue), (screenplay), 1 more credit »


         Author Shaukat Vashisht lives a wealthy life-style in India with his wife, Antara, who is a College Teacher. Shaukat achieves fame when he is nominated for the Booker prize, and goes on to win it. His publishers, hoping that they have unleashed a goldmine, are disappointed with his subsequent works, and soon Shaukat is depressed to such an extent that he almost gives up writing. Then he decides to write a story on a woman named Tamanna, and figures that he will base this story on none other than Antara herself. For this purpose he starts to make note of her every movement, and it is then that he finds out that she has an admirer in fellow-teacher, Yash, a dashing young man - with a bright future ahead of him. Shaukat also finds out that Antara has never mentioned Yash to him, nor has she informed Yash that she is married.

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