duminică, 24 ianuarie 2016

No One Killed Jessica 2011




  (lyrics),  (story)


               Devastated when she is told that that her sister, Jessica Lall, is shot dead by Manish Bhardwaj, the son of Pramod, a Congress party Member of Parliament in Haryana, Delhi-based Sabrina Lall, in the company of her parents, attends the Court to view a charade that will lead to the acquittal of the accused and his accomplices seven years after the incident. Disillusioned by rampart police corruption and inefficiency; a stagnant British introduced legal system; the passing of her mother & the hospitalization of her father, she retreats unto herself. Then foul-mouthed NDTV employee, Meera Gaity, known for being more of an activist than a Journalist, takes an interest in this incident, and uncovers conspiracy & corruption that led to the accused' acquittals - leading to a near India-wide protest.

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