marți, 19 ianuarie 2016

Meera 1979




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      Circa Mughal rule in India, the Rajputs get together to discuss the ouster of Badshah Akbar, who is now the Emperor of Hindustan (India). Prominent amongst the Rajputs are Virendev Rathod, and Rana Vikramjit Singh Sesodia. In order to cement their relationship, Vikramjit would like his brother Rana Bhojraj to get married to Krishna Rathod, to which Virendev agrees. But unknown to Virendev, his son, Jaimal, has already arranged Krishna's wedding with another Rajput family from Ajmer. Faced with two grooms for his daughter, Virendev asks Krishna to commit the ultimate sacrifice for the well-being of the Rajputs, and asks her to consume poison and kill herself, which she does. Shocked and grief-stricken, the Sesodias propose to marry Bhojraj with Meera Rathod, to which all agree, and the wedding takes place with great pomp and ceremony on one hand, while uniting the Rajputs against Akbar.

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