duminică, 31 ianuarie 2016

Kaafila 2007






         India in the new millennium is faced with corruption, unemployment, crime, and all-round insecurity. Many want to travel abroad to better their lives. Rashid Khan is an individual who assists them, albeit illegally, by taking huge amounts, and then transporting them to their choice of destinations, which in this case is Britain. A group of about 200 people use their lives' savings and pay Rashid, chief amongst them are dishonored Indian Army Officer Aman Kumar Sahadev; Banwari and his nephew, Prem, from Uttar Pradesh; Rajnam Venkateshwaram from Tamil Nadu; Santokh Singh from Punjab; Prof. Proveer Chatterjee from Kolkata, while others hail from Gujarat, Mumbai, Haryana, Rajasthan, Jammu, and also include people from Bangla Desh and Pakistan. This trip turns out to be nightmare as their presence is intercepted and they go into hiding and face hunger amongst other problems. 

Download movie with english subtitle: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pLyz5I9W8gs

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