vineri, 15 ianuarie 2016

Dharavi 1992 






        Dharavi - known as the biggest slums on Earth, has many people living in abject poverty and destitute conditions. One such person is Rajkaran a taxi driver by profession, who has bought a taxi and is still for it in small installments. He, his wife, Kumud, and his son live in small tenement. Electricity and water are not available legally, but can be obtained illegally by paying middlemen, who in turn bribe the police and the Bombay Municipal Corporation (BMC) officials. Rajkaran's dream is to own his taxi, and start his own business - of dyeing clothes. His dream comes to light, when he, along with three others, acquire the necessary land and building for it. Once started, things start looking up for Rajkaran, and he even has his mom, Amma come over to live with them. Then things take a turn for the worse - the building is deemed illegal by the BMC and is demolished; Rajkaran and his associates are unable to protect nor save their investment; Unable to pay for his taxi, his vehicle ...

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